I've come to the point where I need to go. That's what an interim pastor does: he comes and walks with a congregation for a while. And then when you have called a new pastor, I need to go on to another congregation. And so this upcoming Sunday, December 29 will be my last day as your pastor.
It's never easy to go. But as we think about it, everything comes and goes. LIfe is an Interim. Between birth and death. But we do share something that does not go away. And I have witnessed this here at RLC in a most powerful way. I'm talking about LOVE. The love of God that comes to us in Jesus Christ. The love that I've seen in you as you welcomed me, and all people. As 1 Corinthians says it, "Love never ends". And the Scriptures describe God as Love (1 John 4:8). This season of Christmas is all about love, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..." (John 3:16) So while you and I may come and go, God and His love is always with us, wherever we are, and all through life. Thank you for sharing your love with me, and with my family. I have many memories of our time together, and how we joined in our service to God, and our friendship and good times. Now I pray that the God who has so blessed you with your new pastor, will now continue to be with you and Pastor Matt, as you share God's love with one another and the world around you! God Bless, Pastor Steve
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What's happening?! I'm quite sure we all have said similar words, when something happened that we didn't understand. Maybe it was going so fast we couldn't see who or what it was. Or maybe it was something we've never seen before. Or maybe it's just so much happening all at once that our brains just freeze, like deer in the headlights of a vehicle on the highway.
I often feel that way around this time of the year. So much is happening, and often all at once. So let's pause for a few moments, take a few deep breaths. Pray. Listen. And let's focus on the one thing that is REALLY important: the moment when God became human. We call it the Incarnation. As John 1 describes this event, "The Word was God...And the Word became flesh and lived among us." But I'm not going to even try to explain it. Oh, there are books written about the Incarnation and its meaning to humanity. But maybe the words of Philippians 4, just before the words at the top of this devotion, says it best, "the peace of God which surpasses all understanding". There. That is what is happening at Christmas. The God of love has chosen to come into this world as a Man and He brings peace. Peace to all. Peace in the midst of whatever else is happening in your life. Eternal peace, through faith in Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord of all. May you be filled with this peace, and be able to spend moments and days in awe and worship of the God who so loves you and me that He would become an infant. Our Savior. Our Lord. Now and forever. In God's peace, Pastor Steve It may not be a surprise that these words from our 2nd Scripture reading for this upcoming Sunday caught my attention! Gratitude to God! Even though we are past Thanksgiving, and Advent is all about the Coming of Christ and our preparations for Him, yet right now I just want to pause on being thankful to God for:
- giving me almost 68 years of life! - giving me faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord - being married to my beautiful wife for 40+ years - being a Dad of three wonderful children, and Grandpa of 2 precious grandchildren - being able to be a pastor for 40+ years - being with these people of Resurrection Lutheran Church for the past year and a half - being able to work with Tom and the Council of RLC, and with their staff, Larry, and Julie - being able to continue as an interim pastor, - the health I have to be able to continue in all of the above! Yes, as I bring in everything my prayer and supplication to God, I certainly can do so with thanksgiving! And you, the people of RLC, have been a big part of my thankful heart right now. For you have welcomed me, and shown me such love! I will never forget your example and ways of showing love to all people, including me. One of the advantages of being an interim pastor is that I am able to see how various congregations do their ministry. And RLC will stand out as a powerful example of how God's love in Christ can shine forth to one another, your community, and to the world. Now I pray that you will continue in God's love, sharing this with Pastor Matt. And I pray that you will partner with him in the ministry that God has in store for you! And I pray that God gives me opportunity to continue to serve, and maybe even another congregation as wonderful as you! God Bless, Pastor Steve |
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December 2024
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