It was with significant prayerful soul searching that I decided to accept when asked to consider being the president of the council. I have always been the kind of person who wants to give his all and do his best when undertaking a task. I came to the realization that at this point in my life that I have the time to devote to the job. Ultimately, I also came to the conclusion I had some skills to offer and this is something I was being called to do.
We are in a unique situation as a congregation this year where there has been a large turn-over of council positions. This largely grew out of Covid and the fact that several council members were asked to extend their current terms for a year. One of the things I bring to the table in that regard is background. Basically that means I’m old and we’ve been members for a long time. I hope to be a resource for my fellow council members (and members of the congregation as well) – to answer questions, guide, and encourage. Much of who we are comes from the things we do together as a community. Where those things are a part of our history I aim to continue to help us make them happen or to help refresh them to reflect our values, mission, and vision. We are also in a unique time and place as a human race. We live at a time when information is coming at us at lightning speed. Often it seems as if we’re drowning in emails, text messages, advertising, social media posts . . ., well you know what I mean. One of the things I often taught my older students with communication deficits, is to prioritize what information is the most important. I would really like us all as a congregation and council to prioritize the communication that is important to us as a community. I am just as guilty as the next person. I realize it’s the beginning of the month. I should go to the church website or my email to read the president’s message only to realize I hadn’t read it last month either. It kind of upsets me a little bit when this happens, because the monthly President’s Message is something I started the last time I was council president many years ago out of a concern over communication. Communication is a two-way street. We can put the information out there, but if nobody reads it the message is not getting through. We will certainly continue to put the electronic message out there through email, website, and social media. However, the last couple of months we have been putting out a few paper copies of Ron’s messages. For those of us who still prefer paper over a screen I would like to continue to do that. I also want to go back to posting Council Minutes both on the website and the bulletin board next to the office (yes another paper copy). We will work diligently to put the information out there. My hope is, you will be just as diligent in seeking it out. Finally, I would like to thank the out-going council members for all their hard work and service to this congregation. Their work in identifying our Values, Mission, and Vision and beginning us down the path to future viability as a congregation by reaching out to the community and younger generations have given the new council a starting point rooted in energy, vision, and hope. They have set the bar high but it is work that we will take up and continue to move forward. Blessings, Tom