Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. -Psalm 119:105 We are clearly on a path moving forward guided by the Word. I believe there are three major milestones in the pastoral transition process: the calling of an interim pastor, the completion of the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) by the Mission Exploration Team (MET), and the calling of a permanent pastor. Within the last week or so we can now say we have crossed two of those milestones. Our Mission Exploration Team consisting of Cindy Duffin, Tracy Hahn, Karen Mannisto, Pat Marohl, Mary Sukopp, Karen Leighton VanDomelen, and Matson Wick have completed the Ministry Site Profile. They have worked with great enthusiasm and purpose and have completed a profile that is a good reflection of us as a congregation and what we are looking for in our next pastor. I want to thank all these individuals for their excellent work and to especially thank Cindy Duffin for her leadership of this team. The next steps are to have the council approve the draft profile and make it available to the congregation and the synod. The congregation will receive the MSP through email and by having several paper copies available. This is not for revision by the congregation but to receive input should there be any major concerns or omissions that members think should have been included. Please watch your email for this document and take the time to look it over. It is a very extensive document but an important one. The MSP will formally be presented to the congregation at a Town Hall Meeting after service on April 21st. The bishop and his associate will be joining us for worship and the meeting. As the MET process comes to a close the call process ramps up. The following members have been elected to the Call Team (Committee); Kat Woods, Andy Toth, Arleen Tesmer, Karen Mannisto, Melissa Leighton, Aidan Leighton, Sue Koloske, and Larry Gnatzig. The Call Team will interview candidates and make a recommendation to the council and congregation of a candidate to be our next pastor. This is a very exciting time for us in the life of this congregation. Please thank these individuals for their commitment to this process and pray for their work together. Even with all of these important pastoral transition updates it is also important to remind you that the most sacred part of the church year approaches (a little bit early this year). March 24th is Palm Sunday, and we will gather to recount the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His passion and crucifixion. The story flows into our Holy Week services, which are really one service over three days (the Triduum). On Maundy Thursday (3/28 @ 7pm), we will remember the last supper and Jesus’ establishment of the eucharist. Good Friday (3/29 @ 7pm) will bring us back again to Calvary in a solemn service commemorating Christ’s crucifixion. But then, Easter Morning (10am) brings a festival worship service celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the dead! We will also enjoy Easter Breakfast together (sign up for attendance and to help out is on the kiosk). Easter Blessings, Tom